Starting from:


Rocketpool Sticker (3inch/7.5cm)

Officially unofficial community merch™: because you need to spend your RPL gains on something®.



This is a round sticker that would make your overclocked raspberry pi look real good.


I mean Rockerpool socks would be great and all, but they don't fit very nicely over:

  • Laptop screens
  • Raspberry pi casings
  • Phone cases (ok fine that would fit)

For shipping times: see this link.



PS. This is a print-on-demand merch store organised by Mentor#8798. If you have questions feel free to DM on discord.



  1. Is this official merch? No, but the RP team said it's fine.

  2. Do you take a profit? No, I set the purchase price to the worldwide cost price plus a little more for transaction fees and such. If my quarterly admin shows the fees were lower, I'll give the excess away as RPL in the discord.

  3. Can you make socks? No, but there is an NFT for that (not mine).

  4. Ok but can you make other Merch? I can add what Sellfy can add, if you want anything message me on Discord and I'll add it.

  5. Wen moon? Back to #trading with you.